
Artificial Intelligence for Life is an initiative of LIACS, the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science. We believe that AI should serve to support human life. LIACS implements this vision on AI research by performing activities in the areas of life sciences, sports, humanities, sociology, linguistics, law, and sustainability. The corresponding research is interdisciplinary by nature.


Interdisciplinary research programs in AI.


We collaborate with scientists, industry, and government, at the Dutch, European, and international level.


AI4LIFE is our vision for shaping the future of modern society.

About AI4Life

Artificial Intelligence for Life is the Centre of Excellence of LIACS. We focus on research and development in human oriented artificial intelligence in the life sciences. Using machine learning, imaging and visualization we create AI applications for drug design, health and fundamentals of life.

Our scientists collaborate with groups at the Leiden University Medical Centre, the faculty of science and many other groups within the university. Additionally, we work closely with other knowledge institutes, the government and industry in our projects. We encourage interdisciplinary collaborations, and are always looking for new opportunities.

Our initiatives


The Data Science Research Program (DSRP) at Leiden University involves PhD projects with Archaeology, Governance and Global Affairs, Humanities, Law, Medicine, Science, and Social and Behavioural Sciences.

More about DSRP


The Social Science, Humanities, Law, AI, Life Science (SAILS) Program at Leiden University focuses on social, legal, political and ethical questions raised by Artificial Intelligence. What decisions can AI make and who will be responsible for these decisions?

More about SAILS


The Centre for Computational Life Sciences (CCLS) is a collaboration with the hospital, the Centre for Drug Research, and the Institutes for Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics at Leiden University.

More about CCLS


Our initiative with the Leiden University Medical Center aims at the use and development of artificial intelligence approaches for supporting all aspects of diagnostics and treatment of patients.

More about AI4Health

AI Expertise

AI4LIFE builds upon interdisciplinary cooperation between the application domains and the Artificial Intelligence expertise available at LIACS.

We actively support the CLAIRE initiative on excellence across all of AI, for all of Europe, with a human-centered focus. CLAIRE is an initiative driven by researchers all over Europe, to make sure that the EU builds upon, keeps, and advances its strong position in AI research.

Our areas of expertise

  • Automatic Machine Learning
  • Algorithm Selection and Algorithm Configuration
  • Programming by Optimization
  • Evolutionary Computation and Genetic Algorithms
  • Nonlinear Global Optimization and Decision Support
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Text Analytics and Natural Language Processing
  • Visualization and Spatiotemporal Data Analytics
  • Image Retrieval
  • Data Science
  • High Performance Computing for Large-Scale Data Analytics
  • Deep Learning for Image Classification and Heterogeneous Data
  • Natural Computing

Our People

The scientists behind Artificial Intelligence research at LIACS

What We Offer

We offer research and development in Artificial Intelligence for supporting human life, shaping the future of society and AI research. We are always looking for new collaborations with scientists, industry, and government, at the Dutch, European, and international level.

If you are interested in learning more, please get in touch and explore the possibilities.


Our partners are knowledge institutes, organizations, government, and industry. Please contact us if you want to learn more.

Knowledge Institutes



Collaborate with us

Want to know more or explore the options to collaborate?

Contact us now

    Contact us to collaborate or if you have a question.

    Visiting address

    Gorlaeus Gebouw – BE-vleugel,
    Einsteinweg 55,
    2333 CC Leiden


    Postal address

    Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)
    P.O. Box 9512
    2300 RA Leiden
    The Netherlands



    Telephone: +31 71 527 7096 / 4799